On April 18, Operating structures of the programme Serbia-North Macedonia, realized bilateral meeting on the premises of Ministry of Local...
WEDNESDAY 13.04.2022. Second Info Session on the occasion of publishing the Second Call for Proposals under Serbia-North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation...
ANNOUNCEMENT Online event on the occasion of the opening of the Second Call for Proposals for the Serbia-Northern Macedonia Cross-Border...
On the occasion of recently launched 2nd Call for Proposals for the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-North Macedonia under the IPA II...
The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Local Self-Government of the Republic of...
The Ministry of European Integration is organizing the documentary film festival "European Cooperation: Film Story", which will be held from...
This web site was elaborated with the assistance of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of the structures for the implementation of the Republic of Serbia-Republic of North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.