Conference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their...
We are slowly entering the final phase of the preparation of the IPA III Cross-Border Co-operation Programme Serbia – Northern...
The Implementation Package for grant beneficiaries within the First Call for Proposals has been published. The package includes an Implementation...
Dear all, The preparation of IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia for the next seven-year financial perspective...
In order to assess the effects of the implementation of the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programmes, a survey is being...
The Ministry of European Integration is organizing the documentary film festival "European Cooperation: Film Story", which will be held from...
This web site was elaborated with the assistance of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of the structures for the implementation of the Republic of Serbia-Republic of North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.