Joint Technical Secretariat is established for the Programme, with the main office located in Leskovac, the Republic of Serbia, with an antenna office in Kumanovo, the Republic of North Macedonia. Its role is to support the Joint Monitoring Committee and both Operating Structures, particularly with regard to ensuring a truly cross-border approach vis-a-vis potential applicants, beneficiaries and operations selected for funding under the Programme.
Duties of the Joint Technical Secretariat include, inter alia, supporting potential applicants and beneficiaries, monitoring operations selected, gathering reliable data at operation level and aggregating it at programme level, providing input to the Operating Structures as appropriate and necessary (for example, in relation to the Annual and Final Implementation Reports due for the Programme), and designing and implementing information, publicity and visibility activities related to the Programme. In addition, through support and monitoring of operations Joint Technical Secretariat shall provide relevant information to Contracting Authority indicating necessity for potential corrective measures with regards to the operation itself in line with its duties. Costs for the Joint Technical Secretariat are covered under the Programme’s technical assistance priority and its activities will be carried out according to a work plan annually approved by the JMC.