The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, as Contracting Authority in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Self Government of the Republic of North Macedonia as MK Operating Structure, launches the Call for expression of interest for the assessment of the project proposals received under the:
2nd Call for Proposals of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia 2016-2020 under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), allocations 2018, 2019 and 2020 (reference: EuropeAid/ 173818/ID/ACT/MULTI)
The potential candidates have to meet the following requirements set as a minimum:
Qualifications and skills:
- A university degree
- Excellent knowledge of the English language
- Computer literacy
- Good analytical and writing skills
- Proficiency in report drafting.
General professional experience:
- The experts need to have minimum 9 years of general working experience
Specific professional experience:
- At least 6, preferably 10 years of relevant working experience in one or more fields related to the thematic priorites of the call (promoting employment, labor mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border and/or encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage;
- At least 2 years of working experience in management, supervision or design of assistance programmes and/or projects;
- Previous experience in project proposal assessment(s) of EU funded progammes and projects or other donors in the Western Balkan countries and related calls for proposals will be considered an advantage;
- Knowledge of local languages will be considered an advantage.
Willingness to travel to Belgrade, Serbia if requested is required.
The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a list of interested candidates.
Once the list is drawn up the Contracting Authority will select and invite qualified candidates to participate in the second step of the selection – written test and interview. The conditions for the later participation and the selection of the successful candidates are specified in the detailed document “Terms of Reference for experts (“assessors”) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the call for proposals” (reference: EuropeAid/ 173818/ID/ACT/MULTI)
If you are interested in participating in the subject call for expression of interest, please send an email to the functional mailbox of the Department for cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes and cooperation with local and regional authorities and organizations for more efficient use of funds of the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia: with CV in the prescribed format in English language and Cover letter attached.
When sending an e-mail please indicate the following reference in the subject line: “Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia – Expression of interest(reference: EuropeAid/173818/ID/ACT/Multi)“.
All interested parties who have submitted the above-mentioned documents by 15:00 hrs CET on 05/04/2022 will be included in the list. N.B. Inclusion on the list does not commit the Contracting Authority to invite the potential candidates to participate in the selection exercises and interviews.