The second public-private cross-border cooperation network’s session was held in Leskovac on 28 February 2024
The key issue addressed in the project is to facilitate public private partnership and collaboration of key tourism actors in targeted area in order to develop a joint creative tourism offers based on common natural, cultural, and historical tangible and intangible heritage interpreted in a modern way.
Both the City of Leskovac and municipality of Kriva Palanka, the partners in CBC project “Land of Legends”, were aware that the potential for tourism is a powerful asset they can capitalize. However, they are facing some challenges since this region is not perceived as a top destination while there is also a growing competition. Therefore, the recovery and innovative branding of the tourist attractions mapped in the previous project the partners implemented together, “Connecting Pearls” is recognized as an economic priority.
A modern traveler is looking for unique experiences and memories. A decision to make a trip to somewhere is based on the emotional value of the trip. Modern tourists want to see it all, know it all and feel real connection to a place that intrigues us with a riddle, conveys a message and offers emotions. It is precisely the story that can bring back life to a destination, provide liveliness, atmosphere and the lacking dramatic scenery needed to make it attractive and appealing to tourists.
In order to increase visibility of targeted area and 30 local attractions identified within “Connecting Pearls” that the partners implemented together in the 1st Call for Proposals, the public private partnership (PPP) was established and formalized. The findings from the field research collected and up to date interpreted intangible historical and authentic gastronomic heritage as well as cultural-historical stories, storytelling of cultural heritage, legends, folklore and authentic recipes were presented. PPP members provided comments and suggestions, so that the E – publication “Land of legends “can be finalized.
Success of destination depends on developing and promoting a clear image based on the core values of the destination, that is the next step in this project’s implementation. Action will create new joint tourism offers “Land of Legends” which will in resonated with the needs of modern tourist. This project contributes to the Priority 2 of the IPA II CBC Programme Serbia – North Macedonia 2016-2020: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage; Specific Objective 2.1: Mobilizing cultural and natural resources for joint development of sustainable tourism products and destinations and result 2.1.2 Quality and visibility of tourist offers improved. The Project directly enhances good neighborly relations, promotes partnership, and stimulates opportunities for capitalization and better utilization of natural, cultural, and historical heritage. Total value of the project is 198,667.59 €, while the EU contribution is 155,596.46.